Saturday, February 7, 2009


I Haven't been contributing much lately, so I'm going to start up in earnest. This new section is going to be called PWNCH4!R (see what I did there? It's a double pun) Being something of a videogame nerd, I figure it's good to post about what's going on in these changing times in the industry. I'll try to post every Monday, I realize it's saturday but I've got a burning desire to talk about Jack Thompson but Brien wanted me to showcase this first

I got D-Pad hero for my NES emulator (Nestopia if you were wondering and it is awesome). I may be behind the times, for some reason I always seem to hear about things 2 years past. But I digress, this game is fun once you fix the controls to suit your keyboard (Shift and Option do NOT work on Mac when the game is as fast paced as it is) but it works well.

There's only four tunes on it so far, but they're pretty fun. There's a Micheal Jackson tune that I don't know (I'm a product of the nineties), Sweet Child O' Mine (I grew up a "Classic Rock" fan) Some random song I have no clue what it is and Daft Punk which drew me in the first place.

Either way, I guess this works as a pseudo-videogame review, and you should definitely check it out. 8 Bit music is so cool.

Check out this video posted of it by ScaryBugThing

(Finding ROMs for emulators is kinda hard when you can't use .torrent clients so I have to wait until I'm on a network that can. Oh well, TANSTAAFL)


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