How many times has this happened to you? You buy a million dollar home in sunny Florida, and then inexplicably get headaches and bloody noses. You're rich! You should never have to deal with common ailments! Of course, you do the first thing that makes sense, you blame it on the Chinese drywall...

Alright alright, so it seems as if the drywall plague has some merit, and it has been making them sick. But does this REALLY need to be on the front page of CNN? From sensationalizing the H1N1 virus to telling you your walls are going to kill you, CNN's got panic on their side. I mean, look at the story, it was on the front page. Nevermind insinuations that cops in Texas are shaking down pulled over motorists, or the fact that guns and body armor were found in a day care, we need to hear about the millionaires with homes are making them sick.

The picture is what really made me laugh, there are still thousands of homeless people in New Orleans and across America, and here are two women hugging and consoling each other in their designer label outfits and apparently marble lined kitchen. At first I thought it was just a misprint but CNN is actually expecting me to feel sorry for them. Though this story is interesting, it doesn't deserve the front page.
Yes yes I know I ranted a bit, I'm sorry for that but I'm tired of our media. Also I laughed because this story reminded me of that Aaahh Real Monsters! episode where the students are sent to a haunted house to get a scare.
I would have posted a clip but they're nowhere to be found on the internet, so I apologize that this post isn't as amusing as I had intended.
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