"I actually used to have long hair before people cared about Fall Out Boy. It was really long, about this long. You know how as you grow older the texture of your hair changes? My hair used to be like the longer it wouldn’t weight down, it would just go out. Now it weighs down. I think it has to do with me getting older and my hair texture just completely changing. It was weird. Our fans kept bugging me to grow my hair back out and I was like “um yeah, sure, why not?” I started doing it. It is cool for playing live. I’ve always noticed that dudes that have long hair when they’re headbanging it looks like they’re rocking out harder than they really are. I know that’s the visual trickery of it. Of course all the cool, classic rock guitar players had long hair which made them look awesome. I like it. My hair is so thick and unmanageable that it really gets in the way sometimes of not just eating, but seeing too. Especially on stage it can be a difficult thing to do. I’m still learning how to balance enjoying my hair length and being able to see and play on stage."

Ultimate-Guitar.com. Important shit.

Ultimate-Guitar.com. Important shit.
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