Note: This picture is NOT from the actual show. Embedding doesn't seem to be working but you can check out pics of the show here and here.
Unfortunately, they chose to cover what is in my opinion, one of the lesser GNR songs, "It's So Easy". This can be attributed to 1) the band being to lazy to learn anything a little more difficult, and 2) Fear of Axl throwing a complete bitch fit over them covering one of GNR's more well known songs. Regardless, I still take great satisfaction is seeing one of my favorite bands play with one of my favorite guitarists.
Avenged Sevenfold trying to look tough.
In related news, Avenged Sevenfold are planning on heading back into the studio sometime soon for their 5th full-length album and 3rd for Warner Brothers. Hopefully they'll enlist an actual producer this time around to tell them when they're grand aspirations and ideas turn into phail. Their latest, self-titled release was a tad disappointing to my ears, but showed promise for great things to come.
Anywho, here's the aformentioned performance of Avenged Sevenfold featuring Slash - "It's So Easy".
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