Long time no blog.
School, work, yadayada.
Anyway here's a truly epic band I came across today.
They go by the name of The Protomen and are a theatrical blend of Queen, Johnny Cash, and Metallica, but with synthesizers.
Strange enough, their songs make up an ass kicking rock opera about Mega Man. Yes, Mega Man, the video game.
Now I've never really played the games, but I love love LOVE the music. Apparently they take a hint from Daft Punk in wearing costumes and concealing their identities from the public and press.
They're kind of like a cross between HORSE the Band and Valient Thorr and the aforementioned Super Duo.
Here's the video for their song "Hope Rides Alone". Enjoy!
With cowboy riffs, spacey synths, and an epic tale that puts certain pop punk acts to shame, THIS SHIT FUCKING ROCKS.